The Doll’s House

                                        (Katherine Mansfield)

The Doll’s House is a thought provoking story that describes the feeling and emotional relationship of children in very simple and impressive manner. These feeling and emotional relationships are linked with set up of a society which is based on the class-consciousness. The upper class always keep distance with the lower class. The present story is the study of a mind. It brings our interrelationship between the Burnell daughters and their school-mates. The story teaches us a moral lesson. The writer says we should never look down upon the poor.

Once Mrs. Hay stayed as a guest with the Burnell family. When she went back. She sent a doll’s house to Burnells children. It was a beautiful house so perfect that I looked  real. It was painted green and  yellow. The floor was carpeted, walls were papered and there were plush chairs in the dining room; with a tiny table lamp on the dining table. There lived two parent dolls and baby dolls in the house. It was perfect in all respects, and Isable, Lottie and Kezia liked it so much. They had never seen anything like it in their lives.

Next morning the Burnells sisters were keen to tell their friends about the doll’s house. Isable, being the eldest, took the initiative. During the play time all the girls gathered around her. They were excited to hear something strange. However, there were two girls, Lil Kelvey and Else Kelvey, who stayed outside the ring. They were poor and the girls made fun if them. Their father was in prison and their mother was a washerwoman who worked in different houses. Even the teacher had an insulting look for them.

Isable invited two of her friends each day to come and see the doll’s house. Kezia had a soft heart. She requested her mother to allow her to invite the Kelveys but she was forbidden to do so. However, when she say the Kelveys sisters passing by her house, she invited them to get in and have a look at doll’s house. They hesitated for  a moment but then entered the house. While Kezia was showing them to house, Aunt Beryl appeared there and turned the poor girls out. She took Kezia to task for her disobedience.

The writer has very successfully shown the intimate interrelationship between Burnells sisters and their school-mates. The relationship of the rich girls with the Kelveys presents a contrast to it. The writer tells us that children are basically innocent. They are spoiled by their parents who inject various prejudices into their minds. Kezia’s gesture of love marks the climax of the story. The writer teaches us not to spoil the goodness of children. The innocent sisterly relationship between Kelveys sisters is touching and impressive.  


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